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Our book inventory was moved to Bradbury Books, Kansas City, Missouri.
The owner, Dan, has been selling new and used magic books since 1993, and offers a tremendous service to magicians.
Each week or so, his popular reverse auction goes on.
New titles are added on a regular basis.
If you didn’t visit his website recently, click here. Or ask to be on his mailing list.

The Joyal Index:

Question & Answers

Are the items organized into categories?
Within the total of 15,000 card tricks, some 12,000 tricks are organized into more than 100 categories, such as Animated card, Collectors, Oil & Water, Spelling trick, Stapled card, Tunnel, etc.
Are any moves or techniques covered in the index?
The Joyal Index is mainly a card trick index. Less than 5% of the entries make mention of required moves and techniques.
How many entries include technical information?
About 30% of the entries provide details on the type of deck, the use of special cards, the initial order of the cards, the kind of selection, if accessories are required, and so on.
Is it complete?
Unfortunately no.
Are there some errors in the index?
With the first edition of a research project of this size, some errors are inevitable. But I honestly think that the error rate is quite low. Readers who find errors are encouraged to contact the author by sending an e-mail to
How long did it take to produce The Joyal Index?
This has been a labor of love since I started it in 1992. And I’m still indexing tricks and constantly adding to the index.
Top of the stack

I have been selling used magic books since 1994. During these 28 years, I was in contact with great customers, some of which with whom I had warm communications. It has always been a pleasure to supply books to those looking for them.

It’s now time for me to turn the page.

Our book inventory was moved to Bradbury Books, Kansas City, Missouri. The owner, Dan, has been selling new and used magic books since 1993, and offers a tremendous service to magicians.

Each week or so, his popular reverse auction goes on. New titles are added on a regular basis.

If you didn’t visit his website recently, click here. Or ask to be on his mailing list

I thank you all for your patronage and I wish you the best.


